Friday, August 2, 2013


Today my wife comes home after 6 days away with a work study group. 6 days with the place to myself sounded like a bit of a holiday at first. If only. Have you noticed that there is really no difference between the mess that one person can make in a house, compared to the mess that 2 people make ? There's maybe 10% less mess, but there's a 50% reduction in cleaning staff. Possibly it suggests that one person was making 90% of the mess. It's not like I was going out of my way to mess stuff up or anything, it just happened. Coming home from work it wasn't until around 9pm until I got to sit down. Sometimes it was a bit later if I was going for a training run. Yesterday I was tempted to take the day off work, just to make sure that I had gotten around to everything, it was that desperate. On the positive side I was rather pleased with myself that I even remembered to water all the house plants. Although I suspect that the plastic plant (which, in my defence, is extremely convincing) in the study got a bit of a shock.
We have often joked about hiring a little Polish lady once a week to help out. If I end up with another week by myself again I might have to start hunting out that number.

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