Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to the Grindstone

Back at work tody after taking a few days off last week. I am definitely feeling better than I was earlier in the year, but obviously I've still got some way to go. The way that a feeling of complete exhaustion suddenly springs up on me continues to be of annoyance. Over the last couple of weeks I've felt fine until about 1:30 - 2pm, and then it's like someone switches off my motor. I go from quite happy to total fatigue. Even during the weekends. Tuesday last week it got the better of me and I headed home early. I decided to take the remainder of the week (and the weekend) to take in a few deep breaths and try to catch up to the train again. Aside from a couple of tricky email questions from a client this morning, the week is starting out ok.
One of the big plusses here is that I do have a great group of work colleagues. They are good people and easy to get along with. It helped getting rid of a piece of dead wood a couple of months back. That's good for me, and I do feel lucky. However, it puts a bit of pressure back on me not to let any negative feelings that I might be experiencing spill over towards them. Good pressure, mind, as it reminds me to be happy. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. I had a nice chat over the phone on Friday with my immediate boss. We don't talk as often as we should but I do enjoy being in his company. It was good to clear the air about what was troubling me, most importantly that it had nothing to do with any of my work colleagues nor my current work load. It's important that they know they haven't done anything wrong. So it was good to have that chat.
We are a reasonably tight group and it doesn't feel uncomfortable for us to share in our personal high and low points. We've gone through relationships break ups, evaluating new relationships, car purchases, home redecorating, and motorcycle thefts. I think that they probably know less about me than I do about them but I am working on that. I am certainly not holding anything back out of fear of how they might react. They aren't that sort of people. It's not often that one can gel with an entire group of work colleagues, irrespective of country, so I do appreciate the position I am in. I have had some absolute crap employers and colleagues in the past. I think that is also important in order to appreciate when you have it good. I experienced my worst ever employer about 20 years ago. I use him as the benchmark. Is my current boss better or worse than Peter Robinson ? That's how I evaluate my current workplace. Thankfully, the answer has always been "Better". There you go, Peter, something good did come out of you after all.

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