Monday, August 12, 2013

Sick travellers

Two weeks ago my wife hosted a visiting work party from various countries. They travelled around the region focusing on industry and environmental interactions. They were away together as a group for about 6 days I think. Anyway, in the time since the trip, all of the Swedish participants have come down with pretty severe head colds. And now it has spread to me. I have been patting myself on the back that I hadn't been properly sick for a few years now, but it seems like I'm making up for it. I guess it shows how quickly our immune systems can strengthen up against new and recurring virus, while reducing focus on those virus strains that one no longer meets. I'm sure it was just a standard southern hemisphere bug, but it came as a real shock to my system. So I've spent the past week lying low and gerenally feeling rather sorry for myself. Fortunately we cleaned up most of the Manahattan chemist stores while we were on holiday and I've been able to hit this bug with some big sticks. Or at least get some sleep at night. I don't do colds and flus well, I guess that I am a typical male in that respect.

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