Monday, August 19, 2013

Down Under blues

All my previous brave talk about curing the common cold came crashing down last week. In my defence, it was something of a sucker punch. When we first came to Sweden I got hit with every bug that was going around. It seemed that I had zero immunity to the local greebs. Over time my body has adapted and I've been relatively illness free over the past year or so. That all changed when we spent time with an Australian couple who were here in Sweden for a work study visit. They were both coughing and spluttering a bit but I never really took muuch notice about it. I have been around coughers all year and it hasn't affected me in the least. Seems that I'm sadly out of practice with the "Down Under" strains. It wasn't just me who was affected. All of the Swedes  who were with the group also came down with a really nasty cold a few days later.
So the last 10 days haven't been my finest hours. Luckily I had the chance to finally delve into our well stocked narcotics store at home. I have been hoarding cold/flu medicines that we've purchased during our trips overseas for just such an occasion. Sweden is all about the body healing itself. So their available medication is fairly weak by world standards. It's a great theory but when I'm sick, I want to feel better straight away. Give me the drugs, I say. Looking at our reserves I reckon that we've got enough of the kick arse good stuff to cover us for a couple more bouts yet.

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