Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stegtävling Week One

One week down and we're still in the game. Our hardy band of 7 are now in 17th place out of the 82 starting teams. When you look at our makeup, that's a bloody good effort. None of us are likely to be mistaken for professional athletes, let's just leave it at that. So job well done thus far. No major injuries to report. Looking at the score map we have roared past Umeå and are about 2/3 way to Östersund. There is another long stretch after that and then it's hopping from office to office. It's becoming obvious that a few teams have been stacked for the event, rather than being random mixes from each office as our teams are. Maybe it's a coincidence, but when 5 of 7 members in a team are each posting distances in excess of 20km every day, you start to get a bit suspicious. There is no way that we are going to win this, but our placing is certainly exceeding our expectations. In the individual rankings I think I'm now down to about 30th place, out of the 750 entrants who have now started. I'm quite happy with that. I get mowed down after the weekends by people who roar around all weekend, but then I slowly crawl my way back during the week. So it kind of balances out. Apparently there was a 100km race somewhere south during the weekend, and I lost a lot of places to people who were in that event. I'm figuring that they are likely to be a bit slower this week though. The person who is in the lead is miles ahead of everyone else. Literally. I'm guessing that as well as his training workouts, he is most likely cycling to and from work each day. His daily total is more than 30km a day, and there is no way you could achieve that through just dedicated exercise. Run 20km one day and you would have to run a marathon the next day just to hold the average. Mind you, he is a Pole, and they can be a bit Left Field. Maybe he's cycling from Poland every morning. That would explain a few things.

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