Monday, May 13, 2013

Small Packages

For the past 4 days we've been foster parents to what is possibly the world's sweetest little dog. Since we lost our own cat and dog, it's been rather quiet around our place. So we were excited by the prospect of having a new "baby". Of course the highlight was the excuse to go shopping for the various toys and treats which we just knew she would need for a 4 day visit. 4 days later and I'm struggling to catch my breath. It was a whole lot of fun and we really enjoyed having her around, but I had forgotten how much work a little dog can be. Our American Cocker was elderly, and not terribly high maintenance. She slept and ate, and that was pretty much it. This little treasure was a bit more demanding. Not in an intrusive way, but I don't think that we've ever done as much walking as we have done with her. And I'm sure that she could have gone twice as long. We worked out that just walking her every day was 10km a day. Good for the fitness, mind. It was sad when she went home last night but we're already working on a plan to smuggle her back again. There's a whole range of doggy treats that we have yet to sample.


  1. Me too, but I think you have forgotten what hard work young cocker spaniels are!

  2. Yes, I clearly didn't appreciate the subtle differences between a 14 year old American Cocker Spaniel, and a 6 year old Jack Russell Terrier.
